Looking for a unique gift?? How about Sponsoring a goat!
Looking for a unique gift?? How about Sponsoring a goat!
Loving, gentle giant Nemo is Dory's twin sister and she has the kindest heart. Nemo is Viola's Grandma and she Is Ariel (at Beach Goat's Mom). Nemo is one of the original Beach Goats and has now graduated to life at the Landing. Her milk is of high quality and she comes from strong milking lines.
Dory is Nemo's twin sister and comes from outstanding milking lines. She produces wonderful rich milk and is easy to milk. Dory is a bit like a teenage girl. She never knows what she wants and she is either bubbly and happy or moody and sulky. No matter what the mood though, Dory is always happy to have treats... again, just like a teenager! Oh and good luck telling her apart from Nemo!
Pam is a retired Alpine who contributed to the first milk used at Beach Goats Landing. She comes from a long history of milking and is happy to pass the skills off to her daughter Wendy, while she and her other daughter Wanda sit back and relax.
Viola is Alpine-Nubian from her Mom, Ariel and Nigerian Dwarf from her Dad. Her twin sister is paddleboarding sensation Norma. Viola is ok to hang back in Norma's shadow because she's going to make some of the tastiest milk on the Landing with her breed combination. She loves living at the Landing with Grandma Nemo and Great Auntie Dory and her new best friend Jenny!
Wanda is a mini-alpine and she only has 3 hooves! Although she would make beautiful babies and delicious milk our feeling is that it isn't fair for her to have to balance to be milked on only 3 feet! She will enjoy being Auntie to her twin sister, Wendy's babies.
Big man in a small body. This little fella has all the right moves for attracting the ladies. we hope to see some of his babies born at Beach Goats as well!
Disco has some crazy hair and his bleached tips make him look like the ultimate surfer boy. Disco is a toggenburg buck and we expect some great things from him!